Free Money to Fund Your Business Ideas

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There are so many funding agencies willing to give you grant to fund your business for FREE. People are not just aware. Others are simply lazy to apply consistently. It does not matter the country you live, there must be grant givers, government agencies, donor agencies, charity/philanthropic individuals, Non-Governmental Organizations, and international development agencies interested in funding small and medium scale enterprises. There must be institutions interested in empowering youths aspiring towards vocational and entrepreneurship initiatives. Don’t be afraid to apply for the grant opportunities. Get someone to help you package the proposal or vet your application. You never know who might be interested in your business idea. This book is an eye opener to the reader who may not know that these realities exist. The specific funding agencies listed here may not apply to your nation or location but take a cue and do your research. I bet your findings will out-stand you about the possibilities that exist around you that you know nothing of. Please press the buy button now and get the book.

Binding / Paperback: 104 pages

Publish Date: May 5, 2019

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