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«No s?lo es una apasionante novela sobre el f?tbol, sino uno de los mejores libros para entender al pa?s. Inolvidable . -Daniel Samper Ospina
El comentarista deportivo Pepe Calder?n Tovar se queda sin voz cuando el defensa de la selecci?n colombiana de f?tbol, Andr?s Escobar, marca el famoso autogol que m?s adelante lo convertir?a en m?rtir nacional. En medio del suplicio, el gordo Calder?n entiende que la ?nica manera de recuperar lo que ha perdido es cobrando venganza, y as? decide emprender la misi?n de asesinar al futbolista. Con una mirada sat?rica sobre la realidad nacional y con un humor que sabe deslizarse entre la tragedia, Ricardo Silva Romero construy? un personaje que representa la manera en la que la ira y el desasosiego pueden llegar a minar el esp?ritu de un colombiano tan bueno y tan malo como cualquiera de nosotros. Treinta a?os despu?s de la muerte de Andr?s Escobar y tras quince a?os de la publicaci?n de Autogol, Alfaguara presenta a los lectores esta edici?n conmemorativa que incluye un ep?logo del autor y la reedici?n de Fuera de lugar, el texto que reconstruye, desde m?ltiples voces, el fantasma de Pepe Calder?n Tovar. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION "This isn't just a thrilling novel about soccer, but one of the best books to understand our country. Unforgettable." --Daniel Samper Ospina
Sportscaster Pepe Calder?n Tovar loses his voice when Andr?s Escobar, defender of the Colombian soccer team, scores that famous own goal that later turned him into a national martyr. In the middle of the ordeal, Fat Calder?n understands that the only way to get back what he lost is exacting revenge, and decides to undertake the mission of murdering the soccer player. With a satirical view on national reality and the kind of humor that seeps through tragedy, Ricardo Silva Romero built a character that depicts the way in which anger and despair undermine the spirit of a Colombian man who is as good and as bad as any of us. Thirty years after Andr?s Escobar's death and fifteen years after publishing Own Goal, Alfaguara brings this anniversary edition with an epilogue by the author and the reissue of Offside, the text that reconstructs, through multiple voices, the ghost of Pepe Calder?n Tovar.
Author: Ricardo Silva Moreno
Publisher: Alfaguara
Published: 10/15/2024
Pages: 408
Binding Type: Paperback
Weight: 1.05lbs
Size: 9.40h x 6.00w x 1.20d
ISBN13: 9786287659445
ISBN10: 6287659440
Language: Spanish
BISAC Categories:
- Fiction | Sports
- Fiction | Literary
- Fiction | World Literature | Colombia
El comentarista deportivo Pepe Calder?n Tovar se queda sin voz cuando el defensa de la selecci?n colombiana de f?tbol, Andr?s Escobar, marca el famoso autogol que m?s adelante lo convertir?a en m?rtir nacional. En medio del suplicio, el gordo Calder?n entiende que la ?nica manera de recuperar lo que ha perdido es cobrando venganza, y as? decide emprender la misi?n de asesinar al futbolista. Con una mirada sat?rica sobre la realidad nacional y con un humor que sabe deslizarse entre la tragedia, Ricardo Silva Romero construy? un personaje que representa la manera en la que la ira y el desasosiego pueden llegar a minar el esp?ritu de un colombiano tan bueno y tan malo como cualquiera de nosotros. Treinta a?os despu?s de la muerte de Andr?s Escobar y tras quince a?os de la publicaci?n de Autogol, Alfaguara presenta a los lectores esta edici?n conmemorativa que incluye un ep?logo del autor y la reedici?n de Fuera de lugar, el texto que reconstruye, desde m?ltiples voces, el fantasma de Pepe Calder?n Tovar. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION "This isn't just a thrilling novel about soccer, but one of the best books to understand our country. Unforgettable." --Daniel Samper Ospina
Sportscaster Pepe Calder?n Tovar loses his voice when Andr?s Escobar, defender of the Colombian soccer team, scores that famous own goal that later turned him into a national martyr. In the middle of the ordeal, Fat Calder?n understands that the only way to get back what he lost is exacting revenge, and decides to undertake the mission of murdering the soccer player. With a satirical view on national reality and the kind of humor that seeps through tragedy, Ricardo Silva Romero built a character that depicts the way in which anger and despair undermine the spirit of a Colombian man who is as good and as bad as any of us. Thirty years after Andr?s Escobar's death and fifteen years after publishing Own Goal, Alfaguara brings this anniversary edition with an epilogue by the author and the reissue of Offside, the text that reconstructs, through multiple voices, the ghost of Pepe Calder?n Tovar.
Author: Ricardo Silva Moreno
Publisher: Alfaguara
Published: 10/15/2024
Pages: 408
Binding Type: Paperback
Weight: 1.05lbs
Size: 9.40h x 6.00w x 1.20d
ISBN13: 9786287659445
ISBN10: 6287659440
Language: Spanish
BISAC Categories:
- Fiction | Sports
- Fiction | Literary
- Fiction | World Literature | Colombia