Black Enterprise Guide to Starting Your Own Business

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BLACK ENTERPRISE magazine is the premier business news source for African Americans. With thirty years of experience, Black Enterprise continues to chronicle the achievements of African American professionals while providing monthly reports on entrepreneurship, investing, personal finance, business news and trends, and career management.
Now, Black Enterprise brings to youthe Guide to Starting Your Own Business, the one-stop definitive resource for everything today's entrepreneur needs to know to launch and run a solid business.
Former Black Enterprise editor Wendy Beech knows that being asuccessful business owner takes more than capital and a solid business plan. She offers essential, timely advice on all aspectsof entrepreneurship, including defining and protecting a business idea, researching the industry and the competition, confronting legal issues, choosing a good location, financing, and advertising.
You'll even learn how to make the most of the Internet by establishing a Web presence. Plus, you'll hear from black entrepreneurs who persevered in the face of seemingly unbeatable odds and have now joined the ranks of incredibly successful black business owners.
This exceptional reference tool also includes:

* The ten qualities you must possess to be a successfulentrepreneur.
* A list of helpful resources at the end of every chapter.
If you've ever dreamed about going into business for yourself, if you feel you've hit the glass ceiling in corporate America, if you have the drive and the desire to take control of your destiny, the Black Enterprise Guide to Starting Your Own Business will motivate and inspire you every step of the way.
Special Bonus.
To help you stay abreast of the latest entrepreneurial trends,Black Enterprise is pleased to offer:

* A free issue of Black Enterprise magazine.
* A free edition of The Exchange Newsletter for Entrepreneurs.
* A discount coupon for savings off the registration fee at the annual Black Enterprise Entrepreneurs Conference.

Binding: Paperback

Physical Info: 480 pages

Publish Date: April 22, 1999