Como Polvo En El Viento / Like Dust in the Wind

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Los secretos que guarda la isla solo los desvelar? el exilio.

El d?a comienza mal para Adela, joven neoyorquina de ascendencia cubana, cuando recibe la llamada de su madre. Llevan enfadadas m?s de un a?o, porque Adela no solo se ha trasladado a Miami, sino que vive con Marcos, un joven habanero reci?n llegado a Estados Unidos que la ha seducido por completo y al cual, por su origen, su madre rechaza. Marcos le cuenta a Adela historias de su infancia en la isla, arropado por un grupo de amigos de sus padres, llamado el Clan, y le muestra una foto de la ?ltima comida en que, siendo ?l ni?o, estuvieron juntos veinticinco a?os atr?s. Adela, que present?a que el d?a se iba a torcer, descubre entre los rostros a alguien familiar. Y un abismo se abre bajo sus pies.

Como polvo en el viento es la historia de un grupo de amigos que ha sobrevivido a un destino de exilio y dispersi?n, en Barcelona, en el extremo noroeste de Estados Unidos, en Madrid, en Puerto Rico, en Buenos Aires... Qu? ha hecho la vida con ellos, que se hab?an querido tanto? Qu? ha pasado con los que se fueron y con los que decidieron quedarse? C?mo les ha cambiado el tiempo? Volver? a reunirlos el magnetismo del sentimiento de pertenencia, la fuerza de los afectos? O sus vidas son ya polvo en el viento?

En el trauma de la di?spora y la desintegraci?n de los v?nculos, esta novela es tambi?n un canto a la amistad, a los invisibles y poderosos hilos del amor y las viejas lealtades.

Una novela deslumbrante, un retrato humano conmovedor, otra obra cumbre de Leonardo Padura.


The secrets that the island holds will only be revealed by exile.

The day starts badly for Adela, a young New Yorker of Cuban descent, when she gets a call from her mother. They have been angry for more than a year, because Adela has not only moved to Miami, but also lives with Marcos, a young man from Havana who has recently arrived in the United States who has completely seduced her and whom, because of his origin, her mother rejects. Marcos tells Adela stories of his childhood on the island, surrounded by a group of friends of his parents, called the Clan, and shows her a photo of the last meal they had had together twenty-five years ago as a child. Adela, who sensed that the day was going to go wrong, discovers someone familiar between the faces. And an abyss opens up beneath their feet.

Como polvo en el viento
(Like Dust in the Wind) is the story of a group of friends who have survived a fate of exile and dispersion, in Barcelona, in the extreme northwest of the United States, in Madrid, in Puerto Rico, in Buenos Aires...What has life done to them, who had loved each other so much? What has happened to those who left and those who decided to stay? How has time changed you? Will the magnetism of the feeling of belonging, the strength of affections, bring them together again? Or are their lives already dust in the wind?

In the trauma of diaspora and the disintegration of bonds, this novel is also a hymn to friendship, to the invisible and powerful threads of love and old loyalties. A dazzling novel, a moving human portrait, another masterpiece by Leonardo Padura.

Author: Leonardo Padura
Publisher: Planeta Publishing
Published: 06/25/2024
Pages: 672
Binding Type: Paperback
Weight: 1.10lbs
Size: 7.70h x 5.10w x 1.70d
ISBN13: 9786073911573
ISBN10: 6073911572
Language: Spanish
BISAC Categories:
- Fiction | Family Life | General
- Fiction | Friendship
- Fiction | Hispanic & Latino | General