Un texto imprescindible para tomar conciencia y pasar a la acci n. Extinci n inminente es la ltima novedad del ling ista, fil sofo, polit logo Noam Chomsky, tambi n uno de los activistas m s influyentes del mundo. En esta ocasi n, se trata de una recopilaci n de textos que nace de un llamado «Encuentro Chomsky celebrado en Boston y dedicado a las amenazas a la supervivencia planetaria, cuyos tres temas fundamentales son la emergencia clim tica, la amenaza nuclear y el peligro que entra a el debilitamiento del sistema democr tico en todo el mundo. La soluci n pasa, seg n indica Chomsky en estas p ginas reveladoras, por el activismo social e internacional: una serie de movimientos populares que ya se est n organizando por todo el globo para forzar acuerdos inte rnacionales y afrontar este reto sin precedentes por la supervivencia de la civilizaci n. «No se puede pasar por alto la alarma de una «extinci n inminente . Deber a constituir un eje central firme de todo programa de concienciaci n, organizaci n y activismo; figurar como trasfondo de cualquier forma de participaci n en todas las dem s luchas# Y algo as presupone una sensibilidad m s amplia hacia los problemas e injusticias que hostigan al mundo, una toma de conciencia m s profunda, que sirva para inspirar un activismo comprometido, con un enfoque m s penetrante sobre las ra ces de tales asuntos y las interrelaciones que entre ellos se dan. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION An essential text to raise awareness and take action.
Cooperation or Extinction is the latest work from linguist, philosopher, and political scientist Noam Chomsky, who is also one of the world's most influential activists. This time, he offers a compilation of texts that arose from a so-called «Chomsky Encounter held in Boston which focused on threats to planetary survival, and whose three main themes are the climate emergency, nuclear threat, and the danger that a worldwide weakening democratic system poses. As Chomsky states in these revealing pages, the solution stems from social and international activism: a series of popular movements that are already being organized around the world to force international agreements and face this unprecedented challenge, all for the survival of civilization. "The alarm of an imminent extinction cannot be ignored. It should be a firm central axis in any program offering awareness, organization, and activism; it should figure as a backdrop to any form of involvement in all other struggles. And thus assuming a broader sensitivity and deeper awareness to the problems and injustices that plague the world, serving as inspiration to a committed activism."
Author: Noam Chomsky
Publisher: Ediciones B
Published: 09/22/2020
Pages: 158
Binding Type: Paperback
Weight: 0.50lbs
Size: 7.90h x 5.40w x 0.60d
ISBN13: 9788466667920
ISBN10: 846666792X
Language: Spanish
BISAC Categories:
- Social Science | Sociology | General
Cooperation or Extinction is the latest work from linguist, philosopher, and political scientist Noam Chomsky, who is also one of the world's most influential activists. This time, he offers a compilation of texts that arose from a so-called «Chomsky Encounter held in Boston which focused on threats to planetary survival, and whose three main themes are the climate emergency, nuclear threat, and the danger that a worldwide weakening democratic system poses. As Chomsky states in these revealing pages, the solution stems from social and international activism: a series of popular movements that are already being organized around the world to force international agreements and face this unprecedented challenge, all for the survival of civilization. "The alarm of an imminent extinction cannot be ignored. It should be a firm central axis in any program offering awareness, organization, and activism; it should figure as a backdrop to any form of involvement in all other struggles. And thus assuming a broader sensitivity and deeper awareness to the problems and injustices that plague the world, serving as inspiration to a committed activism."
Author: Noam Chomsky
Publisher: Ediciones B
Published: 09/22/2020
Pages: 158
Binding Type: Paperback
Weight: 0.50lbs
Size: 7.90h x 5.40w x 0.60d
ISBN13: 9788466667920
ISBN10: 846666792X
Language: Spanish
BISAC Categories:
- Social Science | Sociology | General
About the Author
Noam Chomsky es profesor emérito del Departamento de Lingüística y Filosofía del MIT, activista político y uno de los más influyentes críticos de la política exterior americana. Sus opiniones sobre el tema y su lúcida visión de los acontecimientos mundiales son discutidas ampliamente por la comunidad internacional. Es autor de numerosas obras políticas, entre ellas los best sellers Hegemonía o supervivencia (2004), Estados fallidos (2007) y ¿Quién domina el mundo? (2016).