Cu?date Para Crecer: 100 Herramientas Psicol?gicas Para Desarrollar La Autoestim a Que Mereces / Take Care of Yourself to Grow

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Despu?s del ?xito de Terapia para llevar, vuelve la psic?loga Ana P?rez, Nac? Dram?tica. La autoestima no se regala, se trabaja.

Descubre 100 herramientas pr?cticas y f?ciles para mejorar tu relaci?n contigo.

Qu? es para ti el autocuidado?

Te hablas a ti mismo como a las personas a las que m?s quieres?

C?mo llevas la culpa?

Qu? relaci?n hay entre el perd?n y la autoestima?

La autoestima es una pieza fundamental en la salud mental. Si no tienes una buena relaci?n contigo, nada va a funcionar del todo bien.

En estas p?ginas encontrar?s 10 conceptos clave de psicolog?a y 100 herramientas pr?cticas y f?ciles para construir la autoestima que te mereces.

Aprende a escuchar a tu cuerpo, identifica y atiende tus necesidades, profundiza en tu autoconocimiento y mejora la idea que tienes de ti mismo. Aprende a sentirte bien con tu f?sico y a priorizar lo que realmente te importa. En definitiva, con?cete, ac?ptate y s? feliz.

Te mereces todo lo bueno que te pasa. Te mereces llevarte bien contigo. Es hora de mirarte al espejo y ver a una persona a la que quieres de verdad.


- Escuchar a tu cuerpo

- Identificar tus necesidades

- Conocerte mejor

- Lidiar con la culpa

- Perdonarte los errores

- Priorizar el autocuidado

- Establecer metas realistas e inspiradoras

- Aceptar tu f?sico

- Regular la autocr?tica

- Trabajar en tu autoconcepto

- Relacionarte mejor con tu entorno


After the success of Therapy to Go, psychologist Ana Perez (@nacidramatica) returns. Self-esteem is not a gift, it needs work.

Learn 100 practical and simple tools to improve your relationship with yourself.

What is self-care to you?

Do you speak to yourself the same way you speak to those you love most?

How do you deal with guilt?

What is the link between forgiveness and self-esteem?

Self-esteem is a key element in mental health. If you don't have a good relationship with yourself, nothing will be one hundred percent OK.

Within these pages you will find 10 key psychology concepts and 100 practical and simple tools to build the self-esteem you deserve.

Learn how to listen to your body, identify and meet your needs, explore your self-knowledge, and improve the notion you have of yourself. Learn how to feel good about your body and prioritize what really matters. Ultimately, know yourself, accept yourself, and be happy.

You deserve everything good that comes your way. You deserve to have a good relationship with yourself. It is time to look at yourself in the mirror and see someone you actually love.


● Listen to your body
● Identify your needs
● Know yourself better
● Deal with guilt
● Forgive your mistakes
● Prioritize self-care
● Establish realistic and inspiring goals
● Accept your body
● Regulate self-criticism
● Work on your self-concept
● Interact better with your environment

Author: Ana P?rez
Publisher: Montena
Published: 10/22/2024
Pages: 256
Binding Type: Paperback
Weight: 0.80lbs
Size: 9.10h x 6.20w x 0.70d
ISBN13: 9788410050044
ISBN10: 8410050048
Language: Spanish
BISAC Categories:
- Psychology | Mental Health
- Psychology | Emotions
- Self-Help | Personal Growth | Self-Esteem