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- Description
Relaja tu cuerpo reduciendo la tensi?n en los m?sculos y elimina la rigidez en las articulaciones con m?s de 100 estiramientos. El teletrabajo y el sobreuso de pantallas se ha convertido poco a poco en la nueva normalidad y corremos el riesgo de ser cada vez m?s sedentarios y perder la funcionalidad muscular. Buscas una soluci?n f?cil y eficiente para evitarlo? Con esta gu?a de estiramientos podr?s llevar a cabo una serie de ejercicios variados que te ayudar?n a recuperar la movilidad y cuidar tu salud f?sica. Pasa sus p?ginas y descubre:
Deja atr?s las malas pr?cticas y aprende a estirar tus m?sculos de manera correcta con Estiramientos, un libro repleto de sesiones de ejercicios, consejos sobre c?mo realizarlos de forma segura y calentamientos para mejorar tu rendimiento y lograr tus objetivos con ?xito. ------------------------------- Loosen tight muscles and stiff joints with over 100 stretches designed to keep you flexible, energized, and pain-free. As working from home becomes the new normal, we risk seizing up, losing muscle functionality, and developing aches and pains from increased sedentary living. Yet, with a regular program of varied stretch workouts, everyone can reach and maintain maximum mobility. Dive straight in to discover:
The book begins by examining the latest research on the benefits of static, dynamic, and PNF (proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation) stretching modes. It explains how best to integrate them into your day - and use them safely in a sporting context, alongside warm-ups and exercise sessions, to enhance performance.
Author: Leada Malek
Publisher: DK Publishing (Dorling Kindersley)
Published: 02/04/2025
Pages: 224
Binding Type: Paperback
Weight: 0.81lbs
ISBN13: 9780593963036
ISBN10: 0593963032
Language: Spanish
BISAC Categories:
- Health & Fitness | Exercise | Stretching
- Science | Life Sciences | Human Anatomy & Physiology
- M?s de 100 ejercicios para estirar tus m?sculos, acompa?ados de im?genes en 3D, variaciones adaptadas a tus necesidades y toda la informaci?n que necesitas para evitar lesiones y evaluar tu progreso.
- Instrucciones sobre c?mo realizar cada ejercicio cu?l es la postura corporal correcta, qu? m?sculos est?s trabajando y c?mo afectan a los movimientos
- Entrenamientos adaptados a diferentes habilidades y objetivos, dise?ados para que progreses cada semana o cada mes.
- Basado en las ?ltimas investigaciones sobre los beneficios de los tipos de estiramiento est?tico, din?mico y FNP (Facilitaci?n Neuromuscular Propioceptiva) y con informaci?n sobre c?mo integrarlos en tu rutina diaria.
Deja atr?s las malas pr?cticas y aprende a estirar tus m?sculos de manera correcta con Estiramientos, un libro repleto de sesiones de ejercicios, consejos sobre c?mo realizarlos de forma segura y calentamientos para mejorar tu rendimiento y lograr tus objetivos con ?xito. ------------------------------- Loosen tight muscles and stiff joints with over 100 stretches designed to keep you flexible, energized, and pain-free. As working from home becomes the new normal, we risk seizing up, losing muscle functionality, and developing aches and pains from increased sedentary living. Yet, with a regular program of varied stretch workouts, everyone can reach and maintain maximum mobility. Dive straight in to discover:
- Specially commissioned CGI artworks depict 100 stretch exercises and variations that add or reduce challenge.
- Artworks detail the mechanics of each exercise, correct body posture, the muscles involved, and how they engage to perform movements
- Stretch workouts tailored to different abilities and aims provide suggested practices with a progressive increase in challenge over weeks and months
The book begins by examining the latest research on the benefits of static, dynamic, and PNF (proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation) stretching modes. It explains how best to integrate them into your day - and use them safely in a sporting context, alongside warm-ups and exercise sessions, to enhance performance.
Author: Leada Malek
Publisher: DK Publishing (Dorling Kindersley)
Published: 02/04/2025
Pages: 224
Binding Type: Paperback
Weight: 0.81lbs
ISBN13: 9780593963036
ISBN10: 0593963032
Language: Spanish
BISAC Categories:
- Health & Fitness | Exercise | Stretching
- Science | Life Sciences | Human Anatomy & Physiology