Esto No Es Noticia (Novela Crimen Real) / This Is Not News (True Crime Novel)

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La fuerza ficticia de esta novela, inspirada en hechos reales, s?lo puede ser igualada con la pluma sobria de Philippe Besson, un escritor en la cima de su carrera , La Provenza

Pap? acaba de matar a mam? . Tras la conmoci?n por la inaudita noticia que le dio su hermana, el primog?nito alerta a la polic?a y toma el primer tren. Atenazado por el remordimiento por haberse ido a la capital a estudiar danza y haber dejado a la peque?a L?a con sus inestables padres, una vez en casa se topa con la dura realidad: polic?as, el cuerpo de su madre, su padre fugitivo y su hermana traumatizada. Tras el shock, el hijo retrocede en el tiempo para intentar indagar c?mo terminaron en esta pesadilla. Las se?ales estaban ah?, pero nadie quiso verlas...

Basada en hechos reales, Esto no es noticia arroja una luz ?nica sobre un oscuro tema desde la perspectiva de las v?ctimas invisibles de la violencia, que es a?n m?s tr?gica cuando se asienta en el seno de una familia. Con sensibilidad y sobriedad, alejadas de todo dejo de sensacionalismo, da cuenta del largo y penoso camino de dos hermanos condenados a una vergonzosa orfandad.

Philippe Besson --autor bestseller cuyas obras se han traducido al alem?n, ingl?s, italiano y espa?ol, y han sido adaptadas al cine y al teatro-- logra darle una dimensi?n literaria a una problem?tica social que ensombrece las noticias todos los d?as, en una novela implacable y desgarradora , Elle


"The fictional force of this novel, inspired by real events, can only be matched by the sober pen of Philippe Besson, a writer at the peak of his career," La Provence

"Dad just killed mom." After the shock of the unprecedented news that his sister gave him, the firstborn alerts the police and takes the first train. Gripped by remorse for having gone to the capital to study dance and having left little L?a with her unstable parents, once at home he encounters the harsh reality: policemen, the body of his mother, his fugitive father and his traumatized sister.After the shock, the son goes back in time to try to find out how they ended up in this nightmare. The signs were there, but no one wanted to see them...

Based on true events, Esto no es noticia (This Is Not News) sheds a unique light on a dark subject from the perspective of the invisible victims of violence, which is even more tragic when it settles into the bosom of a family. With sensitivity and sobriety, far from any trace of sensationalism, it gives an account of the long and painful journey of two brothers condemned to shameful orphanhood.

"Philippe Besson -a bestselling author whose works have been translated into German, English, Italian and Spanish, and have been adapted for film and theatre - manages to give a literary dimension to a social problem that overshadows the news every day, in a "relentless and heartbreaking" novel, Elle

Author: Philippe Besson
Publisher: Planeta Publishing
Published: 10/29/2024
Pages: 224
Binding Type: Paperback
Weight: 0.50lbs
Size: 8.98h x 5.28w x 0.71d
ISBN13: 9786073916080
ISBN10: 6073916086
Language: Spanish
BISAC Categories:
- Fiction | Crime
- Fiction | Psychological
- Fiction | Family Life | General