Journal of Radical Permission: A Daily Guide for Following Your Soul's Calling

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Contributor(s): Brown, Adrienne Maree (Author) , Taylor, Sonya Renee (Author)
ISBN: 1523002425    EAN: 9781523002429
Publisher: Berrett-Koehler Publishers 
Binding: Paperback
Pub Date: August 02, 2022
Physical Info: 0.6" H x 8.5" L x 6.9" W
Weight: 0.85 lbs
Pages: 208 pages
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Bestselling authors adrienne maree brown and Sonya Renee Taylor create an unforgettable and transformational experience of journaling your way into your most authentic self.

This journal will help you claim permission to live your purpose. Based on the bestselling philosophies of radical self-love, emergent strategy, and pleasure activism, this journal gives you permission to love yourself deeply as you are.

Journaling to these prompts will help you surrender to your body's needs instead of forcing yourself into cramped disciplines. It will encourage you to become awed by the natural beauty of your divine self instead of being rampantly self-critical. It will aid you in embracing your shadows and accepting responsibility for your impact all while liberating you to just be.

This structured journal provides six key practices, with prompts for each practice that center on curiosity, surrender, grace, and satisfaction.

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