No Journey's End: My Tragic Romance with Ex-Manson Girl, Leslie Van Houten

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★ Updated 2022

No Journey's End is the true story of ex-Manson Family member Leslie Van Houten's love affair with Dr. Peter Chiaramonte. Connecting during Van Houten's high-profile retrial for first-degree murder in 1977-78, the couple struggles to make sense of their relationship. No ordinary love story, the book follows Chiaramonte's journey through a landscape of love, sex, media frenzy, drugs, violence, and ultimately, redemption.

"Chiaramonte gives a human face to a woman portrayed as a monster in the media and explains the reality behind the Manson myth superbly. This riveting book delivers in every way." -Donald Levin, Ph.D., author of Guilt in Hiding

"The reader vicariously races through the hell of the Manson experience in the author's 'shotgun seat, ' often watching through spread fingers of hands over eyes." -Mark Federman, Ph.D.

"Chiaramonte is a talented writer, and you may just come out of reading this book with a profound sense of angst that is well worth the ride." -Albert J. Mills, Ph.D.

Author: Peter Chiaramonte
Publisher: Chiaramonte
Published: 01/22/2015
Pages: 386
Binding Type: Paperback
Weight: 0.98lbs
Size: 8.50h x 5.50w x 0.80d
ISBN13: 9780986420207
ISBN10: 0986420204
BISAC Categories:
- Biography & Autobiography | Criminals & Outlaws

About the Author
Peter Chiaramonte, PhD, is a native of Toronto, Canada, who has earned degrees in philosophy and education at the University of Toronto and Gestalt psychology (confluent education) and institutional leadership from the Graduate School of Education at the University of California at Santa Barbara. Peter has been a professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, University of Western Ontario, Dalhousie University, Mansfield University of Pennsylvania, and Chapman University in San Diego, CA. Peter is currently a leadership education consultant affiliated with Marygrove College in Detroit, MI. For more information, visit

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