Take control of your finances! Understand where your cash goes and how you can keep more of it Learn to trim spending painlessly Discover how to set realistic financial goals -- and achieve them Do you find yourself living from paycheck-to-paycheck? Do you wonder why you make a good living and yet have no money left at the end of the month? Do you feel helpless when you try to think about planning for your financial future? Most important, do you feel overwhelmed at the idea of coming up with a personal budgeting plan? If the answer to any or all of these questions is yes, this kit is for you. It's a step-by-step guide to help you organize your finances and stay on track financially for the rest of your life. Along with all the necessary forms and spreadsheets, it contains tips and information to help you create a workable personal budget. It simplifies the budgeting process, making it easy for you to create a solid, realistic plan. You will learn how to do the following: Set realistic financial goals Trim your spending painlessly Pay down your debt methodically Save and invest Develop a retirement savings strategy Make an estate plan Make over your lifestyle for a successful and stress-free future Start today, and budget your way to financial freedom! The future (your future!) is in your own hands. Have respect for money and what it can do for you. This book includes a Windows CD-ROM for use with your Windows-based PC. All checklists, samples, and worksheets are on the CD-ROM in MS Word or MS Excel formats, as well as Acrobat PDF. This allows you to print out as many forms as needed, or even adapt them to your personal needs! The CD also contains a a bonus Business Budget Planner and a collection of resources and "further reading" information.
Author: Sylvia LimPublisher: Self-Counsel Press
Published: 08/01/2005
Pages: 112
Binding Type: Paperback
Weight: 0.39lbs
Size: 8.98h x 6.12w x 0.28d
ISBN13: 9781551806549
ISBN10: 1551806541
BISAC Categories:-
Business & Economics |
Personal Finance | BudgetingAbout the Author
Sylvia is a Certified Financial Planner and a Certified General Accountant. She has more than 20 years' of accounting and finance experience, and is also a popular workshop leader and college instructor. She is the author of Finances After 55 (also published by Self-Counsel Press), a retirement and eldercare planning guide to help people live a full and successful retired life. Her website offers money-saving tips and links to financial planning resources.