Prayers for Living: Prayers to Help You Get Through Life

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This book is a compilation of just a few prayers that I have written and prayed through my journey of living through the issues of life and in developing my relationship with God. It is not a book of lessons on prayer or a discourse on the matter of prayer and praying. It is not even “scriptural prayer” even though they are infused with the word of God that comes out of my spirit when I pray. My aunt who was in her last months on earth, called me one day to instruct me to write a book of my prayers. We had been prayer partners for many years. I immediately received what she said and agreed to do so, sensing that this was a God-thing. The book contains my personal prayers that I had written and prayed and am sharing with you to hopefully help make your prayer life easier. My hope is that these prayers will help you to pray more and deepen you in your relationship with God!

Binding: Paperback

Physical Info: 126 pages

Publish Date: January 10, 2019