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Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine used to say: 'Make food your medication' 'while in Modern Greek we use the expression: 'Eat to stay alive, do not live for eating''.Food and nutrition are vital for living, but it may become a sword edge. Pleasure of food lasts few seconds until it passes down to stom-ach, whether you eat caviar or rusks.Food can become a pleasure but I'm sure this is also subjective. I'm sure athletes who follow a discipline life style enjoy eating healthy and nutritious foods, while they avoid eating junk filled up with empty calories. Proper nutrition is the basis to a good health (in body and mind), while poor eating hobbits can lead to chronic inflammatory diseases such as Metabolic syndrome and diabetes type two. We all know that obesity is the result of chronic insulin release from calories and also hypergly-cemic carbohydrates, refined sugars.Americans say: "we are what we eat'' and are absolutely right. We work out for an hour, we sleep eight, so the rest of fifteen hours we just eat. This shows the significance of nutrition over training. So this majorly reflects on how we're going to look, based on what we eat throughout those hours. So we eat garbage, we're going to look flab-by; we eat clean and healthy, we're going to look lean. It doesn't mat-ter only how much we eat (number of calories), but also the origin of these (quality) and of course the frequency of meals, the timing we consume certain micronutrients, even the particular order we consume these macronutrients. Lee Haney, eight-time Mr. Olympia (1984-1991) said that in bodybuilding, proper nutrition is 70% of success. However he pointed out the significance of that 30% that belongs to training.Today's beauty standards have as ideal body the aesthetically shaped, the kind of underweight, the slim and skinny.But this doesn't mean without clothes this body is ideal. I'm familiar with quite many female runaway models at 50kg of bodyweight, full of cellulitis. We have to differentiate between a thin sillouete and a masculine physique. Mus-cles occupy less space, they look hard and beautiful. Unlike fat that occupies space and jiggles, looking flabby and smooth. Fashion de-signers frequently say that the best clothing is a nice looking body. It's you that you're wearing the clothes, not the cloth that wears you. People who carry muscles shouldn't worry about their bodyweight and definitely they don't obey to BMI formulas. Instead they rely on mirrors and midsection measurements. What matters mostly is subcu-taneous body fat percentage, hidden under the skin. This is the reason bodybuilders have a tiny waist, unlike a not trained man with same bodyweight. Fat also floats and this is why, obese people float in the water while a bodybuilder sinks, causing it to displace a much larger volume of water...CONTENTS: INTRODUCTIONBASIC NUTRITION PRINCIPLESdigestion evaluating proteinssatiety and hungercarbohydratesglycemic load/glycemic indexCortisolMetabolic Syndrome/Diabetes mellitus-2CHOLESTEROLketosisFREQUENT INFECTIONS DURING DIETS BAD HABBITSCutting phase dietHydrationage managementWORTH TAKING SUPPLEMENTSVITAMINSRECOMMENDED off season bulking DIETRECOMMENDED cutting DIETtraining THE SPORT OF BODYBUILDINGPHYSICAL ACTIVITY (AEROBIC-ANAEROBIC EXERCISE)Resistance training Muscle tissue as a metabolic regulatorMUSCLE GROWTH AND CANCERBODY TYPES WOMEN AND Resistance training Biceps brachi peakWORKOUT PRINCIPLESHEAVY DUTYMUSCULAR DEVELOPMENTDROP SETSPyramid trainingMixed trainingGerman Volume Training 10Χ10 (GVT)body fat measurementback - chest - delts - arms - legs TRAININGFREE WEIGHTS WORKOUTNUTRITION BEFORE THE SHOWPOSINGCOMMON INJURIESEPILOGUEREFERENCES
Author: Dimos Velenjas, George Touliatos
Publisher: Independently Published
Published: 05/09/2020
Pages: 142
Binding Type: Paperback
Weight: 0.48lbs
Size: 9.00h x 6.00w x 0.33d
ISBN13: 9798644509096
BISAC Categories:
- Health & Fitness | Diet & Nutrition | Nutrition
Author: Dimos Velenjas, George Touliatos
Publisher: Independently Published
Published: 05/09/2020
Pages: 142
Binding Type: Paperback
Weight: 0.48lbs
Size: 9.00h x 6.00w x 0.33d
ISBN13: 9798644509096
BISAC Categories:
- Health & Fitness | Diet & Nutrition | Nutrition
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