When you think about spending nearly half of your lifetime with one person, often times we daydream of all of the good times to come. But the reality is that life happens; things fall apart. From infidelity to prison, untruths and heartache-prison relationships grows deeper and more complex with every question. It makes you wonder- if true love can be this complicated, maybe we\'re all handling it better than we give ourselves credit. And if old wounds can always feel so fresh, maybe we need to work on forgiving more than distancing. But what if forgiveness has run out? What do you do then? Do we just give up and go on with our lives? Or do we just sit and let life flow and let the universe handle things in accordance to Gods divine plan. Emotionally I am dead with no hope of resurrection. Physically living with a smile of deceit, lost with nowhere to turn. How did I let myself get this way? All because of a mere human being who has his own destiny, his own karmic debts. A man who has lost his way with an elastic string, a bond that brought me with him. He is a prisoner of the state for which now I am a prisoner of his state. Misplaced in society; kept in solitary confinement within these 4 walls of my mind. I don\'t belong to myself anymore. Letters, phone calls, visits; the distance is slowly killing me. As he took a life, he took his life which took my life I called this a murder memory of LOVE, R.I.P!