Summer Rain

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Damian is torn between the woman he loves and wants to marry, and hanging on to his player ways. He grew up watching his father cheat, and his mother constantly forgiving him for his transgressions. Now a successful, charming, and handsome man himself, Damian understands firsthand the life of a cheater! Monica, his best friend turned college sweetheart, and soon to be wife, has no idea what kind of man she is with. Derrick is Damian’s brother and secretly has feelings for Monica. He doesn’t agree with the way his brother steps out on Monica….but would she ever give HIM a chance? Monica’s two best friends think Damian is a pretty good guy, especially Trice, who has an agenda of her own, so does she really have Monica's best interests at heart? Not to mention Monica’s other best friend Janice, who used to date Damian in college. Monica has her hands full, what with watching out for friends with hidden agendas, and pregnant stalkers that Damian can’t seem to cut loose. After all is said and done, who will be the last woman standing in this suspenseful, jaw -dropping love drama? Find out what happens when lies are told and secrets are revealed in this enthralling first installment of... Summer Rain.

Binding: Paperback

Physical Info: 258 pages

Publish Date: February 10, 2015