What A 'Ho' Can Teach A Wife: Real Talk About Creating Your Hot, Holy & Happy Marriage

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“Real Talk” on Marital Intimacy for Today’s Wives! The Proverbs 31 Woman/Wife is not the only woman in Proverbs that wives need to know about or learn from. I was reading the Word where a lady of the evening or today some would call a “Ho”, was giving some real pearls of wisdom on how to deal with men. The thought that arose within me was, “Now ain't that what a “Ho” can teach a wife.” It was in that split second that I heard the voice of God say, “That's the name of your next book.” You CAN have a hot, holy & happy marriage! In “What A Ho Can Teach A Wife”, Karin Haysbert shares wisdom for wives of faith to create more fun, passionate, connected marriages by building greater spiritual, emotional and physical intimacy with their husbands. While it can certainly be preventive in nature, this book is for you if: • you've been married for a while and “The Thrill is Gone” • you've been just existing in your marriage and not enjoying it • you really love your husband and want things to change • and you're willing to do your work. With over 22 years of marriage, Karin offers spiritual truths and practical strategies in a relaxed and humorous way to help you create the marriage you’ve been desiring and deserve.

Binding / Paperback: 232 pages

Publish Date: October 19, 2018