Will The Real Pimps and Ho's Please Stand Up: Peeping the Multi-Leveled Global Game

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Will The Real Pimps and Ho’s Please Stand Up: Peeping the Multi-Leveled Global Game is birthed from the psyche of urban philosopher and Renaissance man E Raymond Brown. In his original 2003 release, the book takes on an approach that had been non-existent prior to its penning: A radically non-dogmatic, no holds barred examination into the emerging planetary power game from an uncompromising, indigenous urban, philosophically bold, multi-disciplinary perspective.Hassahn Liggins of Radio Facts writes:“E. Raymond Brown does an amazing job of relating the pimp game to several prominent issues and people in the world. His use of witty sarcasm backed with intellectual subject matter presents an intriguing dichotomy that kept me turning the pages. Brown brilliantly takes the language of the street and applies it to the powers that be. He points out great examples of how those in power represent the “pimps” in many cases, while those that live under the rules of the powerful represent the “hos.”

Binding / Paperback: 220 pages

Publish Date: December 25, 2013